There are many important factors to consider when purchasing a skipping rope for Thai Boxing. Do you also do MMA, would like a speed rope or a weighted rope? How much are you willing to spend?
So before you go mad and buy the most expensive jump rope think about the purchase and what are your goals in Muay Thai and how serious you are taking the sport.
After considering many different types of jump ropes, I’ve decided to recommend the Twins Muay Thai jump rope for the perfect Muay Thai skipping rope. It’s the most popular choice in Thailand and is weighted so it will give you a fantastic cardio workout whilst being affordable and built to last.
The most important thing you should remember from this article is not to spend money on cheap jump ropes. Whilst you think your saving money, buying cheaper think in the long term as you want your jump rope to last and be made of a material where you can use it on any version like the twins ropes.
Alternatively, if you want a more general speed rope this Buddy Lee Jump Rope is a superb option. Buddy Lee is one of the worlds leading jump rope companies, and the creator Buddy Lee is an ex Olympic wrestler winning gold in the Olympics, he also is one of the best at jump rope in the world.
It has excellent reviews from a well-known brand in jump ropes, what’s not to like?
Why Should I Jump Rope?
Skipping is usually mandatory for Muay Thai and every Thai fighter will use a jump rope to warm up, here is why it’s so beneficial
Fantastic warm-up. Warming up is key for Muay Thai and skipping is an ideal warm-up routine as it’s a full-body workout that gets the blood circulating with your shoulders, wrists, legs, and arms all getting ready to train.
Improves your cardio. Skipping is a fantastic cardio workout that can be down anywhere. Try to skip for 6 minutes at a FAST pace or 15 minutes at a moderate face and you will see how tired you can get!
Strengths The Lower Body. All your leg muscles notably the fast-twitch calf muscles crucial for Muay Thai will get a great workout, also the hamstrings and quads. All these muscles make your kicks stronger
Improves Your Footwork & Coordination. Boxers don’t skip for fun! It’s superb for training your footwork and coordination which are vital no matter what combat sport you do. All the impressive moves like reverse jumps and double unders will improve your performance on the ring and the street, what’s not to like?
You Can Skip Anywhere! When I traveled to China my speed rope traveled with me, so I could always get a high-intensity workout in, anyplace anywhere!
I don’t see a piece of equipment that can be so effective yet take so little space and be so cheap, you won’t need another travel workout accessory if you have the humble jump rope!
How To Jump Rope?
Jumping ropelike anything takes time to learn, I learned myself using the same channel Jump Rope Dudes and following these videos you will learn in no time!