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Best Stretches For Wrestlers (MUST Try Stretches!)

Given how physically demanding wrestling is, it’s important to be flexible and loose for wrestling practice and wrestling matches. But which stretches are best for wrestlers? Keep reading to find out.

Best Stretches For Wrestlers

  1. Hip Flexor Stretch
  2. Butterfly Stretch
  3. Standing Hamstring Stretch
  4. Seated Forward Bend
  5. Cobra Stretch
  6. Quads Stretch
  7. Neck Stretch
  8. Lateral Lunges
  9. Wrist Stretches
  10. Child’s Pose

Now let’s go over how to perform each of these stretches, as well as why these stretches are so important for wrestlers.

Hip Flexor Stretch

How To Do:

Kneel on one knee and lunge forward, keeping the other foot flat on the ground. Push your hips forward until you feel a stretch in the hip flexor of the kneeling leg. Hold for 30 seconds and switch legs.

Benefit For Wrestlers:

Hip flexor stretch is an essential stretch for wrestlers as it targets the hip flexor muscles, which play a significant role in wrestling movements such as takedowns and ground grappling.

Hip flexors are the group of muscles that run from the pelvis to the thigh bone and help to bring the thigh towards the abdomen.

In wrestling, these muscles are continuously engaged, and tightness in the hip flexors can limit a wrestler’s range of motion, reducing their ability to perform explosive movements and increases their risk of injury.

Hip flexor stretches helps to improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injury by lengthening the hip flexor muscles and increasing the range of motion in the hips.

Regularly incorporating hip flexor stretches into your training routine can help wrestlers move more efficiently, with greater power and speed, leading to improved performance on the mat.

Butterfly Stretch

How To Do:

Sit on the ground with the soles of your feet together and your knees out to the sides. Gently push your knees towards the ground using your elbows or hands until you feel a stretch in your inner thighs and groin. Hold for 30 seconds.


Butterfly stretch is an effective stretch for wrestlers as it targets the adductor muscles, which are responsible for bringing the legs together towards the midline of the body.

These muscles are essential for wrestlers as they help to control the opponent’s legs and hips, making it easier to execute takedowns and maintain control on the ground.

Wrestling movements can place a lot of stress on the adductor muscles, causing them to become tight and limiting the wrestler’s range of motion.

Butterfly stretches helps to stretch and lengthen the adductor muscles, increasing flexibility and range of motion in the hips and groin.

By incorporating butterfly stretch into their training routine, wrestlers can improve their ability to control their opponent’s movements and execute techniques with greater ease.

Additionally, increased flexibility in the adductor muscles can reduce the risk of injury and improve recovery time from training and competition.

Standing Hamstring Stretch

How To Do:

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and extend one leg straight in front of you, resting it on a bench or chair. Keeping your back straight, lean forward from the hips until you feel a stretch in the hamstring of the extended leg. Hold for 30 seconds and then switch legs.


The standing hamstring stretch targets the hamstring muscles, which are crucial for movement and power.

The hamstrings are a group of three muscles located on the back of the thigh that work to flex the knee and extend the hip joint.

In wrestling, the hamstrings are continuously engaged, making them prone to tightness, which can limit a wrestler’s range of motion and reduce their strength.

Regularly performing standing hamstring stretches can help to improve flexibility and increase the range of motion in the hamstrings. Furthermore, tight hamstrings can cause lower back pain, which is a common issue among wrestlers.

By stretching the hamstrings regularly, wrestlers can reduce the risk of lower back pain and improve their overall performance on the mat.

Seated Forward Bend

How To Do:

Sit on the ground with your legs straight out in front of you. Reach forward and grab your ankles or feet, and pull yourself forward until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings and lower back. Hold for 30 seconds.


The seated forward bend is a great stretch for wrestlers as it targets the hamstrings, lower back, and hips, all of which are essential for wrestling.

The seated forward bend stretch helps to stretch and lengthen the hamstrings, improving flexibility and range of motion.

The lower back is also a common area of tightness and discomfort for wrestlers, as it is frequently engaged during takedowns and ground grappling.

The seated forward bend stretch helps to lengthen and release tension in the lower back muscles, reducing the risk of injury and improving recovery time.

Cobra Stretch

How To Do:

Lie on your stomach with your hands flat on the ground under your shoulders. Push your chest up, keeping your arms straight, until you feel a stretch in your abdominal muscles and hip flexors. Hold for 30 seconds.


Cobra stretch is an excellent stretch for wrestlers as it targets the muscles of the lower back and spine.

In wrestling, maintaining proper posture and alignment is essential for good movement on the mat. Tightness in the lower back muscles can limit a wrestler’s ability to maintain proper posture, leading to decreased performance and increased risk of injury.

The cobra stretch helps to stretch and lengthen the lower back muscles, improving posture and reducing the risk of injury.

Additionally, the cobra stretch also helps to increase flexibility and range of motion in the spine, which is essential for efficient movement and agility on the mat. By improving spinal mobility, wrestlers can move more efficiently and with greater ease and speed on the mat.

Quads Stretch

How To Do:

Stand with one hand on a wall or chair for balance. Bend one knee and bring your heel towards your buttocks. Grab your ankle with your other hand and pull your heel towards your buttocks until you feel a stretch in your quadriceps muscle. Hold for 30 seconds and switch legs.


Quad stretch targets the quadriceps, which are the large muscles located at the front of the thigh. The quadriceps play a crucial role in wrestling movements such as takedowns and bridging on the mat.

Quad stretch helps to stretch and lengthen the quadriceps, increasing flexibility and range of motion in the hips and thighs.

Furthermore, tight quadriceps can also cause knee pain and affect knee stability, which is another common issue among wrestlers.

By stretching the quadriceps regularly, wrestlers can reduce the risk of knee pain and improve knee stability, leading to improved performance on the mat.

Neck Stretch

How To Do:

Stand or sit with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands on your hips. Tilt your head to one side until you feel a stretch in the opposite side of your neck. Hold for 30 seconds and then switch sides.


Neck stretches target the neck muscles, which are frequently engaged during wrestling movements such as takedowns, bridges, and ground grappling.

In wrestling, maintaining proper neck alignment and stability is critical for injury prevention and optimal performance on the mat. The neck muscles can become tight and tense from the constant impact and pressure of wrestling, leading to limited range of motion and increased risk of injury.

Regularly performing neck stretches can help to stretch and lengthen these muscles, improving range of motion and reducing the risk of injury.

Lateral Lunges

How To Do:

Stand with your feet wider than hip-width apart, with toes pointed forward. Shift your weight to one side, bending that knee and keeping the other leg straight. Push your hips back and lower your body, keeping your chest lifted. Hold for 30 seconds and switch sides.


Lateral lunges are an excellent stretch for wrestlers as they target the groin muscles and inner thighs, which are frequently used during wrestling movements such as takedowns and sprawling on the mat.

Moreover, lateral lunges can also help to improve lateral movement and agility on the mat, which is essential for avoiding takedowns and transitioning between positions during ground grappling.

Overall, incorporating lateral lunges into a wrestler’s training routine can help to improve their flexibility, reduce the risk of injury, and improve their overall performance on the mat.

Wrist Stretches

How To Do:

Extend one arm in front of you with your palm facing down. Use your other hand to gently pull your fingers back towards your wrist until you feel a stretch in your forearm. Hold for 10-15 seconds and switch arms.


Wrist stretches target the wrist and forearm muscles, which you use a ton as a wrestler. In wrestling, having strong and flexible wrist and forearm muscles is critical for maintaining a strong grip on the mat and controlling opponents during ground grappling.

Tightness in these muscles can lead to limited range of motion, reduced grip strength, and increased risk of injury.

Furthermore, wrist stretches can also help to improve wrist mobility and reduce the risk of chronic pain or inflammation associated with repetitive stress injuries, which are common among wrestlers who engage in intense training and competitions.

Child’s Pose

How To Do:

Kneel on the ground with your toes touching and your knees spread wide. Lean forward and stretch your arms out in front of you, resting your forehead on the ground. Hold for 30 seconds to stretch your lower back and hips.


Child’s Pose targets the lower back, hips, and thighs, which are frequently used during wrestling movements such as bridging, sprawling, and transitioning between positions on the mat.

In wrestling, maintaining a strong and flexible lower back is crucial for injury prevention and optimal performance on the mat.

Tightness in the lower back, hips, and thighs can lead to limited range of motion, reduced flexibility, and increased risk of injury.

Child’s Pose helps to stretch and lengthen the lower back, hips, and thighs, improving flexibility, reducing the risk of injury, and increasing overall performance on the mat.

By incorporating Child’s Pose into their training routine, wrestlers can improve their lower back strength, reduce the risk of lower back injuries, and maintain better control over their opponents during ground grappling.

Moreover, Child’s Pose can also help to improve breathing and relaxation, which is essential for wrestlers to maintain focus and composure during intense matches and training sessions.

Why Stretching Is Important For Stretching?

Stretching is crucial for wrestling as it improves flexibility, reduces injury risk, and enhances performance. Regular stretching helps to loosen tight muscles, prevent strains or tears, and improve range of motion. Wrestlers who stretch regularly can boost their strength, agility, and performance on the mat.

As a wrestler, it’s crucial to always warm up before you wrestle. And part of warming up is stretching properly. Next time before you wrestle, consider adding some of these stretches to your routine.

Looking For Gear To Use When You Train?
If you are interested in training Wrestling, here is some of the gear I recommend:
Best Ear Guards(Headgear)
Best Mouth Guard
Best Wrestling Shoes
Best Groin Protection
Want To Learn To Fight, But Don’t Want To Go In Person?
CoachTube has online training videos for Wrestling, Boxing, MMA and more. And best part is you can do it all from your home allowing you to go at your own pace. Check them out here.
Interested In Training Other MMA Fighters?
Click here to check out the MMA Conditioning Association and see what you need to become an MMA conditioning coach and begin training fighters.

Does Wrestling Build Muscle? (What To KNOW!)

Besides being a fun sport to compete in, wrestling also is a great way to stay in shape. In this article I go over how effective wrestling is at building muscle.

Does Wrestling Build Muscle?

Wrestling can build muscle, especially in the upper body and core, as it requires strength, endurance, and explosive power for moves like takedowns and escapes. However, adequate nutrition and strength training outside of wrestling practice are also important factors in building muscle mass.

Wrestling also engages the muscles in the legs, which are used for balance and stability during matches. Strong legs can provide a solid foundation for the upper body movements, making the wrestler more effective in executing moves and defending against opponents.

Additionally, wrestling involves a lot of cardiovascular activity, which can help to burn fat and reveal the muscle definition underneath.

However, it’s important to note that adequate nutrition is critical to building muscle mass. Wrestlers need to consume enough calories and protein to fuel their training and recovery, as well as to support muscle growth.

Not only that, they need to avoid processed foods and sugars which can cause inflammation and fat gain. For wrestlers looking to add muscle, it’s crucial to eat a well-balanced, healthy diet.

Strength training outside of wrestling practice can also help to build muscle by targeting specific muscle groups and allowing for more focused and intense workouts. But sticking just to wrestling, here are the main muscle groups worked by wrestlers.

Main Muscles Worked In Wrestling

The main muscle groups worked by wrestlers are:

  • Upper Body (arms, shoulders, chest, and back)
  • Core
  • Lower Body (quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves)

Upper Body

Wrestling involves a lot of grappling, holding positions, and takedowns, which require significant upper body strength. The muscles in the arms, shoulders, chest, and back are all heavily engaged during wrestling.

When you have wrestled someone, regardless if you were wrestling in a competition or for fun, you have probably felt this. When you are wrestling it literally feels like every muscle in your upper body is being used.


The core muscles are also heavily utilized in wrestling, as they help to maintain balance and stability during matches. The muscles in the abdomen, lower back, and hips are all important for executing moves and defending against opponents.

This is why you may have noticed that a lot of wrestling drills and exercises you do engage your core. When it comes to balance and stability, the core is the most important part of a wrestlers body and so it is important to build a core that is strong and flexible.

Lower Body

The muscles in the legs are important for maintaining a solid base and providing power for moves like takedowns and escapes. The quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves are all worked during wrestling.

Many people don’t realize this, but strong legs are actually crucial to being a good wrestler. Once you start wrestling, you’ll notice your legs become more toned and muscular.

Additionally, if you want to be a stronger, more agile wrestler, strengthening your legs is crucial. But if wrestling builds muscle, do you still need to lift weights?

Do You Still Need To Lift Weights While Wrestling?

You should still lift weights while wrestling, regardless of the muscle you are building from wrestling. While wrestling can help to build muscle, incorporating strength training and weightlifting outside of wrestling practice can be beneficial for maximizing muscle growth and performance.

Lifting weights can target specific muscle groups and allow for more focused and intense workouts, which can help to increase strength and power on the mat.

Additionally, weightlifting can allow for more focused and intense workouts, as wrestlers can adjust the weight and repetitions to target specific muscle groups and work towards their individual goals.

Strength training can also help to prevent injury by strengthening the muscles and connective tissues around joints, reducing the risk of strains, sprains, and other injuries.

However, it’s important to balance weightlifting with proper recovery and nutrition to avoid overtraining and injury.

Wrestlers should aim to incorporate strength training exercises that complement their wrestling practice, such as compound lifts like squats, deadlifts, and bench press, as well as accessory exercises like pull-ups, dips, and core work.

A proper warm-up and cool-down, as well as stretching and foam rolling, can also help to prevent injury and improve recovery. Adequate nutrition, including sufficient protein and calories, is also crucial to support muscle growth and recovery.

Overall, while wrestling can help to build muscle, incorporating strength training and weightlifting into a wrestler’s training regimen can be beneficial for maximizing muscle growth and performance, as long as it is done in a safe and balanced manner.

When deciding on what exercises to perform as a wrestler, it’s always best to speak to your personal coach or trainer.

Every wrestler has different goals and what those goals are will determine what type of exercises a wrestler should perform. For example, a wrestler trying to lose weight would perform different exercises and different reps than a wrestler who is trying to gain weight.

Does Wrestling Increase Testosterone?

Wrestling can increase testosterone levels, as it is a high-intensity, physically demanding sport that requires strength and endurance. Testosterone is a hormone that is associated with muscle growth and recovery, and studies have shown that wrestlers often have higher testosterone levels than non-athletes.

However, the extent to which wrestling specifically increases testosterone levels is not well understood and may vary depending on individual factors such as diet, sleep, and stress.

Does Wrestling Make You Faster?

Wrestling can help to improve speed and agility, as it involves quick movements and changes in direction. The sport requires a combination of speed, strength, and endurance, and wrestlers often develop explosive power and quick reflexes.

If you know wrestlers, or if you have wrestled yourself, you have probably noticed this. Wrestlers seem to always be quick and explosive in their movement.

However, it should come as no surprise that wrestling makes you more agile, especially when you consider the training they go through and the movements that take place within the sport.

Looking For Gear To Use When You Train?
If you are interested in training Wrestling, here is some of the gear I recommend:
Best Ear Guards(Headgear)
Best Mouth Guard
Best Wrestling Shoes
Best Groin Protection
Want To Learn To Fight, But Don’t Want To Go In Person?
CoachTube has online training videos for Wrestling, Boxing, MMA and more. And best part is you can do it all from your home allowing you to go at your own pace. Check them out here.
Interested In Training Other MMA Fighters?
Click here to check out the MMA Conditioning Association and see what you need to become an MMA conditioning coach and begin training fighters.

How To Improve Your Stamina For Wrestling (PROVEN Tips!)

One very important aspect of being a successful wrestler is having the stamina to go the distance. If you are fading during matches your opponent will easily spot this and take advantage. So, how can you improve your stamina as a wrestler?

How To Improve Your Stamina For Wrestling?

To improve stamina for wrestling, focus on cardiovascular exercise, resistance training, interval training, proper hydration, balanced nutrition, and adequate recovery. Incorporate these elements into your training routine and work with a coach or sports dietitian to optimize your performance.

Let’s dive into each of these in more detail.

Cardiovascular Exercise

Cardiovascular exercise is important for wrestling because it helps improve overall endurance, which is crucial for success in wrestling.

Wrestling matches often last several minutes, and require a combination of quick bursts of energy, explosive movements, and sustained periods of energy.

A wrestler with good cardiovascular endurance will be better able to handle the physical demands of a match and maintain their energy levels throughout.

Additionally, cardio exercises help increase the efficiency of the heart and lungs, which means that a wrestler’s body will be better equipped to deliver oxygen to working muscles during a match.

Cardio exercises also increase the number of red blood cells in the body, which can help transport oxygen more efficiently. This can lead to improved performance and reduced fatigue during wrestling matches.

Resistance Training

Resistance training can help build stamina for wrestling in several ways. First, it can help improve muscular endurance by building the strength and endurance of specific muscle groups used in wrestling.

This can result in a wrestler being able to perform at a higher level for a longer period of time, which is crucial in wrestling matches that often last several minutes.

Second, resistance training can also help increase the wrestler’s overall power, which is important for quick, explosive movements such as taking down an opponent or executing holds and pins.

By building power, a wrestler will be able to perform these movements more efficiently, which can help conserve energy and maintain their stamina throughout a match.

Finally, resistance training can also help reduce the risk of injury by strengthening muscles and joints, which is important in a physically demanding sport like wrestling.

By incorporating resistance training into a training regimen, a wrestler can build stamina, improve their overall fitness, and become better equipped to handle the demands of a match.


Hydration is also important for building stamina in wrestling. Proper hydration helps maintain blood volume and prevent dehydration, which can negatively impact physical performance and endurance.

When a wrestler is dehydrated, their heart has to work harder to pump blood and deliver oxygen to the muscles, which can lead to fatigue and decreased performance.

Next, hydration is important for maintaining body temperature. During intense physical activity, such as wrestling, the body loses fluid through sweating, which can impact its ability to regulate temperature.

When the body is properly hydrated, it can function more efficiently, allowing the wrestler to perform at a higher level for a longer period of time.

Finally, proper hydration can also help with recovery after training and competition. By replenishing fluids and electrolytes, a wrestler can help their body recover faster and be better prepared for their next training session or match.

I know when wrestlers think of stamina they often think of building muscle and improving their endurance, but hydration is important too. Make sure to always drink a sufficient amount of fluids during practice and during matches.


Nutrition also plays a crucial role in building stamina for wrestling. A well-balanced diet can provide the body with the energy and nutrients it needs to perform at a high level and recover from physical activity.

Consuming enough carbohydrates can provide the wrestler with energy to sustain high-intensity physical activity, while adequate protein intake can help with muscle repair and growth.

Eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats can provide essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that are important for overall health and well-being.

By fueling your body with the right nutrients, a wrestler can improve their endurance and performance, reduce the risk of injury, and maintain their stamina throughout a match.

Food is fuel for the body and if you give your body bad fuel, you will get bad results. So try to avoid things like processed foods, sugar, and other foods that can put a strain on your body.

Instead, try to eat nutritionally dense foods like rice, beans, pasta, meat, eggs, yogurt, fruits, vegetables, etc. This is especially important during a season or when you are conditioning.


Lastly, recovery is also an important aspect of building stamina for wrestling. Adequate recovery time is necessary for the body to repair and rebuild muscles after intense physical activity.

Proper recovery can help prevent fatigue, injury, and burnout. A wrestler can improve their recovery by incorporating active recovery techniques, such as stretching or light exercise, into their routine.

They can also use passive recovery methods such as massage, ice baths, or compression therapy to reduce inflammation and help the muscles recover faster.

Adequate sleep and nutrition can also play a significant role in recovery. By giving the body enough time to recover, a wrestler can ensure that they are well-rested and ready for their next training session or match.

Proper recovery can help maintain and improve overall performance, reduce the risk of injury, and increase stamina.

It is important for wrestlers to prioritize recovery and make it a part of their training regimen to help build and maintain their stamina for wrestling.

To close out, let me share with you an example of a training routine that could be used to build stamina as a wrestler.

Example Of A Wrestling Routine For Building Stamina

MondayJog, Lift Weights (Upper Body & Core), Light Wrestling Related Drills
TuesdayJog, Lift Weights (Lower Body & Core)
WednesdayJog, Wrestling Related Drills
ThursdayJog, Lift Weights (Upper Body & Core)
FridayJog, Lift Weights (Lower Body & Core)
SaturdaySprints, Wrestling Related Drills
Wrestling Conditioning Example
Looking For Gear To Use When You Train?
If you are interested in training Wrestling, here is some of the gear I recommend:
Best Ear Guards(Headgear)
Best Mouth Guard
Best Wrestling Shoes
Best Groin Protection
Want To Learn To Fight, But Don’t Want To Go In Person?
CoachTube has online training videos for Wrestling, Boxing, MMA and more. And best part is you can do it all from your home allowing you to go at your own pace. Check them out here.
Interested In Training Other MMA Fighters?
Click here to check out the MMA Conditioning Association and see what you need to become an MMA conditioning coach and begin training fighters.

** The information on any/all of our content is provided as an information resource only. Always consult with your coach and your physician before engaging in physical activity.

How To Win A Wrestling Match

Wrestling is a rewarding yet challenging sport that takes practice and determination. For three periods, wrestlers attempt to win using various takedowns, reversals, and escapes, all of which are worth a different amount of points. But how do you win a match overall?

How To Win A Wrestling Match

To win a wrestling match, you must outscore or pin your opponent. If you gain a 14-point lead, regardless of the round, you will be declared the victor. Otherwise, the person with the most points at the end of the third round is the winner. In the event of a draw, the bout goes into overtime.

As mentioned, there are a number of different ways to gain points in wrestling, meaning there are multiple ways to win a match. So, let’s take a closer look at wrestling bouts and some of the moves you can use to defeat your opponents. 

How Is A Wrestling Match Scored?

A wrestling match is scored based on takedowns, reversals, near falls, escapes, and penalty points. Escape moves, such as the Granby roll, are worth one point, whereas near falls, like the half-nelson, will get two or three points if done correctly. Takedowns and reversals are worth two points each.


Takedowns are the most common scoring method in a match and are worth two points each. This move is used to bring an opponent to the mat where they can be better controlled, which is vital for scoring points, pinning, and winning. 

To successfully complete a takedown:

  • Start in a neutral position. No points will be awarded if one player already has the upper hand.
  • Force the opponent to the ground against their will. This means that the opponent must not pull the person performing the move down in any way. 


Escapes happen when one wrestler can get out of a position or hold and return to a neutral stance. For example, you may see an escape happen after a takedown if the wrestler can get out of the hold. 

During an escape, the wrestler is not starting in a neutral position. Instead, they are finding a way to escape their opponent. 

Escapes are worth one point during a bout, but they’re not easy to get. To escape from an opponent, a wrestler needs to outwit them or hope for a momentary loss of focus or control. 


Reversals are similar to escapes, but they do not end in a neutral position. Instead, reversals end with the wrestler gaining the upper hand on their opponent.

In wrestling terms, a wrestler must come from underneath and take control over a situation.  Because these are more challenging, reversals are worth two points. 

Near Falls

Near falls happen during a wrestling match when a wrestler comes close to pinning their opponent. 

To achieve a near-fall score, a wrestler needs to get their opponent in a vulnerable position that does not count as a pin.

This usually involves something close to a pin where the opponent’s back is exposed but not against the mat. 

Points for near falls vary based on how long the hold lasts. For example:

  • If the opponent is held vulnerable for two seconds, the wrestler gets two points. 
  • If they hold their opponent for 5 seconds, then the wrestler is awarded three points at the high school level and four at the college level. 

So, near falls can be worth a lot of points when done effectively. 

Penalty Points

Penalty points are awarded to the opponent when the wrestler commits an infraction. Some reasons for penalty points include: 

  • Stalling
  • Unnecessary roughness
  • Unsportsmanlike conduct 

These infractions can award the opponent one or two points depending on the severity of the offense. Penalty points are the only way to score points without trying or actively doing something to earn them.

These points rely on the actions of your opponent solely. So, don’t count on these when trying to win your match. 

How Long Is A Wrestling Match?

A wrestling match is typically around seven minutes long and lasts over three periods, varying in time between one and three minutes. The time of each period varies based on the wrestling level. 

The length of a wrestling match varies based on the skill level of the wrestlers. For example:

  • Most high school bouts last for about six minutes. Each period should last for two minutes, but they can be stopped early, and the time doesn’t account for overtime.
  • College wrestling starts with a three-minute period followed by two periods both lasting two minutes. This means the average college wrestling match lasts for about seven minutes without overtime. 

Overtime typically doesn’t last long, with the first wrestler to score points being named the winner. 

So, it typically does not add much time to the overall length of a wrestling match unless there are no points scored by either wrestler, in which case there may be a second overtime period. 

Tips For Winning A Wrestling Match

Wrestling matches can be tough to win, especially when you’re just getting started. That said, we’ve gathered a few tips to help you win a wrestling match: 

  • Don’t be afraid to strike offensively first. Staying on the defensive can mean you have to get yourself out of sticky situations later on. 
  • Only use moves that you have practiced and mastered. Using new moves can lead to a loss or even injury if done incorrectly. 
  • If your opponent is stronger than you, you need to out-technique them during the match. This often means changing your strategy as the bout progresses.
  • Don’t let anything upset you during a match. Penalties, among other things, can affect your attitude, but they also lead to extra points for your opponent.
  • Don’t stop until the referee blows the whistle. There may be times when a penalty is not called, or a match is not stopped when it should be. Don’t allow your opponent to get the upper hand because you anticipated a whistle but didn’t get one. 

Winning a wrestling match is not an easy feat, but you can do so by outscoring and pinning your opponent. 

It is essential to focus on the score and maintain a lead over your opponent during a bout, but don’t let that make you lose focus on your opponent’s actions. 

In rare cases, you may find yourself ahead by 14 points, which leads to an automatic win. But that’s not something to rely on. Instead, practice your moves and work on successfully controlling your opponent.

Interested in Wrestling? Check Out My Recommendations

Looking For Gear To Use When You Train?
If you are interested in training Wrestling, here is some of the gear I recommend:
Best Ear Guards(Headgear)
Best Mouth Guard
Best Wrestling Shoes
Best Groin Protection
Want To Learn To Fight, But Don’t Want To Go In Person?
CoachTube has online training videos for Wrestling, Boxing, MMA and more. And best part is you can do it all from your home allowing you to go at your own pace. Check them out here.
Interested In Training Other MMA Fighters?
Click here to check out the MMA Conditioning Association and see what you need to become an MMA conditioning coach and begin training fighters.


What Is Wrestling Headgear and Why Is It Important?

You may have seen your favorite wrestlers or MMA fighters wearing headgear while training, but you might not know what it is. If you’re new to the sport of wrestling, it’s crucial for you to understand what headgear is and why it’s so vital. 

What Is Wrestling Headgear And Why Is It Important?

Wrestling headgear, also called a “ear guards,” protects your ears from injury during fighting or training. It prevents cauliflower ear, an ugly condition where fluid collects in the ear due to repeated trauma. It can also help prevent injuries that can occur when wrestlers fall on their heads. 

This article will discuss everything you need to know about wrestling headgear.

What Is Wrestling Headgear Made Of?

A standard wrestling headgear consists of an inner protective lining made of ballistic nylon, an outer vinyl covering, and straps to secure it in place. 

Some models may also feature air holes in the ear protectors, which allows wrestlers to hear instructions from their coach during practices and in matches.

Why Is Headgear Important In Wrestling?

Wrestling headgear is important because it acts as a shock absorber to protect your ears against damage caused to the skin and tissue when you get hit or fall.

The most common injury in wrestling is the cauliflower ear, which isn’t only an unsightly condition but also painful.

A cauliflower ear is formed when the skin on the ear gets damaged and becomes inflamed, causing it to harden in response to the trauma.

While this is most commonly caused by headlocks or other wrestling holds, it can also occur from repeated mat burns or blood blisters that break and open up.

Excessive cauliflower ear can be a real problem, not because it’s aesthetically unappealing but because it can affect the wrestler’s hearing ability, sometimes resulting in hearing loss.

Wrestling headgear helps prevent cauliflower ear since it acts as padding between your ear and the mat to reduce friction.

Many wrestlers like that headgear allows the skin on their ears to move freely while protecting it from mat burns and abrasions.

It also protects your hearing ability by absorbing the impact of any blows to your head, neck, or shoulders.

This can reduce the risk of concussions and help you fight harder and longer than you can without wearing one.

Wrestling headgear isn’t only worn during training but also when competing. Most tournaments will have a uniform policy, so check with your coach or tournament organizer beforehand.

How To Wear Wrestling Headgear

Wearing wrestling headgear is as easy as putting it on! Always start by attaching both straps to the back of your head.

After you have placed both ear guards over your ears, tighten the straps at the top and bottom of each side, so they fit comfortably but snugly.

A common mistake when wearing wrestling headgear is to fasten the straps too tightly.

If you leave the guard on for an extended period, the circulation in your head can be compromised, causing dizziness or even fainting.

Therefore, your headgear should fit properly. Never wear one that’s too large or loose. It should fit snugly without restricting blood flow.

Best Wrestling Headgear

The key to finding the best wrestling headgear for you is finding one that provides the most comfort and protection without restricting your movements.

For example, this Adidas Earguard (which you can view here on Amazon) has specially molded ear cups with adjustable straps and comes with a spacer strap and chin cup.

Finding a headgear that fits well can reduce injuries while improving your performance in matches and training sessions.

Wrestling headgears typically range from $25 to $70, with the cheaper ones usually made out of materials like vinyl or lycra.

The more expensive models might be made of neoprene and offer increased protection, but you should always check the quality of the outer lining before buying one that’s too expensive.

Wrestling headgear for kids is typically sized by age, while the ones made for adults are sized by head circumference.

The key here is to buy headgear that fits your individual needs regardless of what other people recommend.

Choosing The Right Size Wrestling Headgear

When buying your first headgear, you want to pick one that fits well without restricting your movements.

The general rule of thumb is to choose a size that’s slightly smaller than your actual measurement, so it doesn’t stretch out or move as much as you wrestle.

After wearing the headgear, make sure you adjust the straps before putting it back on. Once it’s on your head, try twisting side to side or up and down to see if the ear guards slip out of place before testing them in action.

The most important thing is finding one that works for you! It should provide enough protection without distracting you too much or causing you to feel claustrophobic.

The best way to find one that’s comfortable is to try it on before buying it! You can also ask friends or teammates about their preferred brands so you can get an opinion before making a purchase.

Wrestling Headgear Brands 

As with any product, the brand making your headgear matters a lot. In case you’re overwhelmed with the numerous options on the market, it’s always advisable to go with an established brand.

This is because they have had time to fine tune their methods to create the best product possible.

The most established brands in the sport are Asics, Adidas, Cliff Keen, Brute, and Matman. You can find most of those brands here on Amazon or at your local sports store.

Most of these brands offer wrestling headgear for children and adults. 

If you’re having trouble finding the right size or style, you can also check out these brands’ websites. They often have sizing charts to help you find the perfect fit for your other wrestling equipment, too!

Final Thoughts

Wearing a good-fitting, comfortable wrestling headgear can protect you from cauliflower ear and other injuries.

It’s crucial that you choose a product that works for you in terms of comfort and protection. Plus, wearing it during tournaments will help avoid getting disqualified due to a uniform violation!

Interested in Wrestling? Check Out My Recommendations

Looking For Gear To Use When You Train?
If you are interested in training Wrestling, here is some of the gear I recommend:
Best Ear Guards(Headgear)
Best Mouth Guard
Best Wrestling Shoes
Best Groin Protection
Want To Learn To Fight, But Don’t Want To Go In Person?
CoachTube has online training videos for Wrestling, Boxing, MMA and more. And best part is you can do it all from your home allowing you to go at your own pace. Check them out here.
Interested In Training Other MMA Fighters?
Click here to check out the MMA Conditioning Association and see what you need to become an MMA conditioning coach and begin training fighters.


Why Do Wrestlers Have Weird Ears?

If you’ve ever observed a wrestling match, you may have noticed that the wrestlers’ ears appear slightly deformed. The ears may look puffy, lumpy, or just generally misshapen.

It’s so common that it can become a surprise to see a wrestler with completely normal-looking ears, but why is it so common, and what causes this ear deformity?

Why Do Wrestlers Have Weird Ears?

Wrestlers have weird ears, or cauliflower ears, because of the physical trauma that causes pockets of blood to form, creating a lumpy appearance. They may be treated by draining the pockets and icing the ears.

The rest of this article will provide an in-depth look at what causes cauliflower ear, how to treat it, and how to avoid getting cauliflower ear in the first place.

What Causes Cauliflower Ear?

The main causes of cauliflower ear are blunt force trauma and any sort of friction against the ears. In wrestling, you’re constantly being slammed and pinned against the mat as well as put in headlocks. All of these can cause cauliflower ear making it one of the most common injuries in the sport. 

When blunt force trauma or friction is applied to the ear, separation of tissues occurs and creates spaces between the layers of skin and cartilage. These pockets then fill with blood that causes a puffy and lumpy appearance.

Think about if you’ve ever hit your head and ended up with a lump. Cauliflower ears are caused by the same process, but just in a different spot.

Once the blood has entered these pockets, it just sits there and causes redness and swelling, and it’s not going away easily. The only way to remove the blood is by lancing the ear and draining the blood out. 

Eventually, the blood will dry and harden, causing the disfigurement to become permanent. 

Side Effects of Cauliflower Ear

It is important to remember that cauliflower ear causes more than an unpleasant appearance. There are some major side effects of cauliflower ear, including:

  • Hearing loss
  • Difficulty using headphones
  • Ringing ears
  • Headache

If not treated, severe cauliflower ear can also cause the outer edge of your ear to die. If the separation between skin and cartilage is severe enough, then the outer edges can lose their blood supply. 

This will initially cause the hardening of the cartilage and can eventually lead to it completely falling off. The outer ear dying can also lead to a severe infection that can become systemic if left untreated. 

Is There A Cure For Cauliflower Ear?

While there is not a cure for cauliflower ear, some options may allow you to return your ear to a semi-normal state, including icing the ear and draining the pocket of fluid. If the trauma is repeated frequently, then chances are your ears are going to be permanently disfigured. 

When you notice that you may be getting cauliflower ear after being injured, the first thing to do is apply ice to the area.

Ice reduces the swelling and minimizes the damage by constricting the capillaries in the skin of the ear. This helps reduce the amount of excess blood that will seep into the pocket between the layers of skin and cartilage.

It is not recommended that you take anti-inflammatory medications as most of them have some blood-thinning properties, which could make the cauliflower ear more severe.

Once the initial swelling process is complete, typically after a few days, then you may want to get your ear drained. If the swelling is extreme, then chances are it will not go back to normal on its own and may cause severe damage to the cartilage. 

Your ear’s cartilage receives oxygen from the blood supply in your ear’s skin. If the skin is separated from the cartilage for too long, it could prevent the cartilage from healing and cause it to harden and be permanently deformed. 

If you decide to get it drained, the best thing to do is go to a doctor and have them do it for you. 

Many wrestlers or people who get cauliflower ear often choose to do it themselves, but we recommend leaving the job to a professional if you’re nervous about it. 

The doctor will insert a hollow needle into your ear and draw most of the blood out with a syringe. This minimizes any additional trauma as you do not want to put more pressure on your still healing blood vessels.

Ways To Avoid Cauliflower Ear

The single most effective way to prevent cauliflower ear is by wearing appropriate headgear at all times. Although many wrestling competitions now require headgear, competition is not where the majority of injuries are going to occur. 

Most injuries occur in practice.

The majority of the time that an athlete spends on the mat is going to be during practice. That is why, if you’re going to try and prevent cauliflower ear, practice is the most critical time to do it. 

You can check out some of the best wrestling headgear here on Amazon. They have headgear with varying levels of protection and for all different ages as well.

If the headgear is used appropriately, it is extremely effective in preventing cauliflower ear. However, if it is used incorrectly, it may actually increase the risk of developing this condition.

If the headgear is not tight enough or is too tight, it may move around, which can cause additional friction and put more pressure on the ears, resulting in a cauliflower ear.

Cauliflower ear is typically not a gradual process. It usually comes from one strong blow to the ear, which causes the separation of tissues. 

Although older wrestlers typically have worse ears, they have suffered through many incidents of cauliflower ear, which causes additional scar tissue to build up over time.

This is why it is essential to ensure that you always protect your ears every time you step on the mat because it only takes one blow.

Cauliflower ear is one of the most common injuries associated with wrestling that is caused by blunt force or friction trauma that separates the layers of skin and cartilage in the ear.

This creates pockets that fill with blood which creates the puffy appearance that is characteristic of this condition.

Treatment is possible with icing and draining any pockets of blood however, the best treatment is prevention.

Wearing appropriate headgear that is properly fitted will be the best thing you can do to prevent permanent disfigurement of your ears.

Interested in Wrestling? Check Out My Recommendations

Looking For Gear To Use When You Train?
If you are interested in training Wrestling, here is some of the gear I recommend:
Best Ear Guards(Headgear)
Best Mouth Guard
Best Wrestling Shoes
Best Groin Protection
Want To Learn To Fight, But Don’t Want To Go In Person?
CoachTube has online training videos for Wrestling, Boxing, MMA and more. And best part is you can do it all from your home allowing you to go at your own pace. Check them out here.
Interested In Training Other MMA Fighters?
Click here to check out the MMA Conditioning Association and see what you need to become an MMA conditioning coach and begin training fighters.
