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Are you pregnant and wondering if you can still do BJJ? Or maybe it's your partner or someone you know. A baby is the most precious thing in the world, so should someone do BJJ while...
BJJ is a fantastic sport but you are trying to strangle someone so can you do it as a Christian? I decided to research the internet and find out. You must consider BJJ fueling aggression...
BJJ is one of the best martial arts for self-defense, but can you do Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with glasses? I decided to find out. BJJ is more about feeling, even blind people can train BJJ. Having bad...
Jiu-Jitsu and tattoos don't seem to go together, but how long do you have to wait to recover after getting some ink before you can start rolling again? I decided to find out According to tattoo...
Brazilian Jiujitsu is an excellent martial art that is great for self-defense, but can you do BJJ with braces? I decided to find out. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends anyone...